Veolia statement on the Deposit Return Scheme announcement

Gavin Graveson, Senior Executive Vice President Veolia Northern Europe Zone said:

“A deposit return scheme needs to work for the entire UK and fit within the recycling system we already have. This delay shows us that Defra is serious about prioritising the big ticket items that will accelerate the circular economy today, whilst laying the groundwork for future developments.

“The extended producer responsibility scheme, for example, will be a gamechanger for the industry. Packaging that is made to be recycled will be the cheapest choice for producers; a positive step for the environment, the economy and consumers.

“The Plastic Packaging Tax is already in place but needs strengthening to stimulate end market demand for recycled materials. Combining these policies, with Simpler Recycling for England, will optimise the system and drive improvements.

“We all want to see more recycling in the UK and there are policies already in development that will help improve from recycling about 45% of the waste we produce, to more than 60% in the next few years. It’s about getting the right policies in place, in the right order to make the biggest impact.”